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Need to brush up on your basic Spanish? Or perhaps you need a crash course in all there is to know for vacationing in a Spanish speaking country. With our extensive wealth of knowledge we can set you on the right track with all you need to know!

In The News

Never studied Spanish before? Wanting to improve your grammatical understanding of Spanish? Looking to improve your conversational skills? Not to worry, with our customized approach we can go as fast or as slow as your learning style allows and at the level that best suits you. 

Are you a university or high school student? Need some extra help with learning certain concepts? Maybe you some assisstance perparing for an upcoming exam? With our expertise and experience we can assist you so you may succeed in your course of study.

More of a one-on-one learner, or perhaps your prefer learning in a group setting? We will work to arrange both options to best suit our clients needs.

Customized â€‹Learning 
Different Students 
Require Different
Approaches to Learning
Assistance with
Exam Prep
"Foreign lanuguage worth the investment..."









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